Mushroom Ready-to-Fruit Block – Enoki


Experience the simplicity of home cultivation with our Enoki Ready-to-Fruit Growing Block. Specially crafted for convenience, this compact block comes fully prepared for hassle-free enoki mushroom cultivation. Just unwrap, mist, and watch as a bounty of delicate, slender enoki mushrooms flourishes in the comfort of your own space. Elevate your culinary adventures with the freshest and most exquisite enoki mushrooms, effortlessly grown right at home.

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If you like traditional commercial Enoki looks with small heads, long stems and light colour, you need to create an air tight setting, eg. plastic bag with few holes, a bucket with few holes, and keep it in a dark place.By keeping humidity, you can spray inside wall of plastic bags or buckets.

In nature, Enoki have big caps and short stems, which are different from what you see in shops. This is because commercial growers try to create an air tight environment, in which Enoki have long stems and small heads.

The above picture is from my discarded enoki blocks into garden.

If you like enoki to grow freely as they do in nature with big caps and short stems, just keep up the moisture levels.

Note: this NZ native enoki won’t grow as snow white colour as it is different string of enoki. The stems turn dark colour, which is normal.